Thursday, November 11, 2010

Becoming the Next Einstein

Did you know that Einstein is synonymous with genius? Albert Einstein completely changed the view of the universe during his time. He developed the General Theory of Relativity, which explains what happens to time and space as you accelerate. He also helped form quantum theory. Albert Einstein did many great things in physics, but you can as well. Everyone has the potential to help like Einstein. What is required is time, effort, and persistence. Working toward a four degree is one step towards becoming like Einstein and changing the view of everyone. Keep working Hard!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

LCDs: Technology in Action

Did you know your computer monitor uses a large amount of technology? One example is the LCD screens that are now being used. LCD, or Liquid Crystal Displays are displays that use special quartz crystals that when electrified will allow only a certain amount of light through screen. This is why LCDs can be so thin. Unlike traditional televisions LCDs are also very lightweight. So the next time you see your computer screen remember you are seeing Technology in action!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

STEM and Chilean Miner Rescue

Did you know there is a great example of Engineering in STEM? During the past two months there have been 33 miners trapped in a Gold and Copper mine. New techniques in drilling and a new type of drill bit have helped these miners escape on October 13, 2010. This shows the potential and power of using Engineering to solve many of the world’s problems. Studying Engineering and Technology could put you in the position to help so many people, just like during the Chilean Mine Rescue.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

STEM and the LHC

Did you know there is a great example of S.T.E.M.? The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland is a prime example of S.T.E.M. The LHC is the largest particle collider in the world, and is currently being used to answer some of the most fundamental questions in physics. This demonstrates the Science, but there is also some amazing Technology involved. The LHC uses superconductive magnets to accelerate particles. The size of the LHC has also created very big Engineering problems that had to be solved, such as how do we keep the magnets cool? Involved with all of these is Mathematics. Math has helped physicists and engineers create the LHC, and will help them solve those fundamental questions. For more information about the LHC check out:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Did you know there is a new field in engineering called nano-engineering? Nano-Engineers use quantum physics and other types of physics to create very small machines. This engineering field is starting to grow quite rapidly. Some of the prominent ideas and projects include: Quantum Super Computers (Super Computers the size of Molecules), Room Temperature Superconductors, and nanomachines (atomic sized machines that can do many different tasks). If you are interested in nano-engineering contact your advisor for more information about what you can do to prepare for it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Free On-Line Tutoring!

We hope everyone is doing well in school. Did you know if you have some problems with math you can get tutoring online? UVU actually has a web-based tutoring service where you can chat live with a tutor from the Math Lab. Even if you are all the way in the middle of nowhere you can still chat online for some great help with your math homework. To do that you need to go to and click on “Log into MathLab Online”. For your user name include your school so they know a little better to help you.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Have you ever heard of actuaries? Actuaries are special statisticians who analyze risk and help manage risk in different circumstances. Actuaries help insurance companies offer competitive prices by using risk analysis. Actuaries also help analyze and train different organizations in various methods for reducing risk and loss.

How much are actuaries paid? According to, the entry level positions average between $50,316 and $61,266, with pay increasing every extra year of experience.

If you are interested in actuarial science speak with your advisor for more information.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Did you know there are some really cool pictures of the universe? One terrific website is Astronomy Picture of the Day. This website has a new picture everyday with a really cool explanation as well. Check it out at: Astronomy Picture of the Day.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Did you know that you can make your money work harder?

Budgeting is an important tool that all college students need to master in order to survive. Here are a few tips to help you make your money count.

1. Write your budget down! This will save you a bunch of hassle as you plan your finances.
2. Plan to save some money every time. This will allow you to always have some money in reserve.
3. Keep unnecessary expenses to a minimum. Try bringing lunch instead of buying lunch to help you keep your money longer.

Budgeting will help you stay out of debt. Budgeting will also help you make the most of your money. These skills will allow you maintain your college educational expenses as well.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Note Taking Skills and Organization

Did you know that there are many different ways to take notes?

Here are some examples of different note taking techniques.

Linear Notes: This is where you write down everything without any major organization

Cluster Notes: This is where you write notes around certain “big ideas”. This type of note taking helps you see how ideas are related.

Roundtable Notes: These notes are done by using four ideas/books/lectures/eras/people/etc. gather around your “roundtable”. This style will help you connect and utilize all the subjects in a meaningful manner.

Reporter’s Notes: These notes are what reporters would use when interviewing someone. They have questions you would like answered. This style helps you gain a deeper understanding by looking deeper for your answers.

Try these techniques and find one that helps you. As you do you will become a much better note taker and a better student!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Preparing for the New Year

The new School year is quickly approaching! Remember to watch your email for more of those weekly tips!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Florida Trip Photos

Students visited the Kennedy Space Center in Florida

Seniors learned what it meant to "Reach for the Stars"

After that the Seniors visited the Magical Kingdom of Disney World

Students also saw the Epcot Center

Students were invited to meet the Rollins College Upward Bound

Summer Trip Photos

Students visited the California Science Museum

Students spoke to the local news at the California Science Museum

Students found some of their favorite Disney Characters!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer Successes

Congratulations to all the students who completed the summer program! Many had 5 UVU credits in Humanities and Health. This is a tremendous feat!
